L'antifona al Magnificat dell'odierna festa del Signore dice così:
Oggi la Vergine Maria viene al tempio
per offrire il figlio Gesù;
oggi Simeone, pieno di Spirito Santo,
accoglie Cristo e benedice Dio, alleluia.
Hodie beata virgo Maria
puerum Iesum presentavit in templo;
et Simeon repletus Spiritu Sancto
accepit eum in ulnas suas et benedixit Deum, alleluia
Se volete vedere la stessa antifona in gregoriano, potete scaricare l'intero libretto usato dal Papa per i Vespri insieme ai Religiosi e consacrati e ascoltate sotto una registrazione:
1 commento:
Sarebbe possibile dedicare un post all'inciso Mysterium fidei? Tempo fa, sul blog "Rorate" in lingua inglese trovai questa interpretazione "Oddly enough, the ancient liturgy of St. Clement made the same mistake, when the phrase "Mystery of Faith" was moved from the consecration of the cup to - of all places - the consecration of the bread. It was still within the context of the consecration formula, but it was a mistake - the phrase belongs to the consecration of the cup, and with good reason: it was already associated as a "code word" for the chalice even in apostolic times. This is what I attempt to show in my essay A Note on the Origins of the Phrase Mysterium Fidei - the New Mass gets it wrong for the same reason that St. Clement's liturgy got it wrong."
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