Il servizio inglese di RadioVaticana ha confermato alle 12:00 di oggi che il Santo Padre Francesco ha deciso di far inserire nelle preghiere eucaristiche del Messale Romano II, III, e IV la menzione di san Giuseppe, sposo della Beata Vergine Maria, proprio come Papa Giovanni XXIII aveva fatto inserendo il nome del Custode del Redentore nel Canone Romano 51 anni fa (vedi qui).
Papa Francesco ha una grande devozione personale a san Giuseppe, tanto da averlo con il simbolo nel suo stemma (il fiore di nardo) e sentendo come un segno che l'inizio del suo ministero petrino coincidesse con la festa del 19 marzo.
Papa Francesco ha una grande devozione personale a san Giuseppe, tanto da averlo con il simbolo nel suo stemma (il fiore di nardo) e sentendo come un segno che l'inizio del suo ministero petrino coincidesse con la festa del 19 marzo.
In Italiano anche il twitter dell'Osservatore Romano ribadisce la notizia.
Decreto della congregazione culto divino: il nome di San Giuseppe nelle preghiere eucaristiche II, III e IV del messale romano
— L'Osservatore Romano (@oss_romano) June 19, 2013
Il Papa ha fatto preparare il relativo decreto alla Congregazione per il Culto divino, dove si precisano anche le parole esatte che devono essere inserite in ogni preghiera eucaristica (non sono da inventare! ci ha già pensato il Santo Padre!).
Exercising his paternal care over Jesus, Saint Joseph of Nazareth, set over the Lord’s family, marvelously fulfilled the office he received by grace. Adhering firmly to the mystery of God’s design of salvation in its very beginnings, he stands as an exemplary model of the kindness and humility that the Christian faith raises to a great destiny, and demonstrates the ordinary and simple virtues necessary for men to be good and genuine followers of Christ. Through these virtues, this Just man, caring most lovingly for the Mother of God and happily dedicating himself to the upbringing of Jesus Christ, was placed as guardian over God the Father’s most precious treasures. Therefore he has been the subject of assiduous devotion on the part of the People of God throughout the centuries, as the support of that mystical body, which is the Church.
The faithful in the Catholic Church have shown continuous devotion to Saint Joseph and have solemnly and constantly honored his memory as the most chaste spouse of the Mother of God and as the heavenly Patron of the universal Church. For this reason Blessed Pope John XXIII, in the days of the Most Holy Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, decreed that Saint Joseph’s name be added to the ancient Roman Canon. In response to petitions received from places throughout the world, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI deemed them worthy of implementation and graciously approved them. The Supreme Pontiff Francis likewise has recently confirmed them. In this the Pontiffs had before their eyes the full communion of the Saints who, once pilgrims in this world, now lead us to Christ and unite us with him.
Accordingly, mature consideration having been given to all the matters mentioned here above, this Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, by virtue of the faculties granted by the Supreme Pontiff Francis, is pleased to decree that the name of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary is henceforth to be added to Eucharistic Prayers II, III, and IV, as they appear in the third typical edition of the Roman Missal, after the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as follows: in Eucharistic Prayer II: “ut cum beáta Dei Genetríce Vírgine María, beáto Ioseph, eius Sponso, beátis Apóstolis”; in Eucharistic Prayer III: “cum beatíssima Vírgine, Dei Genetríce, María, cum beáto Ioseph, eius Sponso, cum beátis Apóstolis”; and in Eucharistic Prayer IV: “cum beáta Vírgine, Dei Genetríce, María, cum beáto Ioseph, eius Sponso, cum Apóstolis ”.
As regards the Latin text, these formulas are hereby declared typical. The Congregation itself will soon provide vernacular translations in the more widespread western languages; as for other languages, translations are to be prepared by the Bishops’ Conferences, according to the norm of law, to be confirmed by the Holy See through this Dicastery.
All things to the contrary notwithstanding.
From the offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 1 May 2013, on the Memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker.
( Antonio Card. Cañizares Llovera )
Prefect( + Arthur Roche )
Archbishop Secretary
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